We are Annalisa Macerata and Serena Cipolletti, lawyers by the Court of Fermo and business consultants

Annalisa Macerata

Privacy e DPO

Serena Cipolletti

Intellectual property
Different, but complementary skills

After working by Morison AC Italia for more than a decade, we founded Neuco s.r.l., a company specialised in legal services for businesses.

Our skills are different, but complementary and apply to a broad range of matters, namelylegal assistance for businesses, with a specialisation in intellectual property (Avv. Cipolletti) and privacy protection (Avv. Macerata).

However, our activity is not limited to legal matters. Thanks to our entrepreneurial mindset, we are able to build a trusted relationship with each of our clients, thus allowing us to identify their commercial and legal needs.

Healthcare structures

Communication agencies


Small and medium-sized enterprises

Production companies

Understanding our clients’ needs

The goal that we set ourselves when working together with one of our clients is to identify their objectives in order to respond with a strategic solution. The next step is to activate all the necessary legal instruments to protect the client company.

This entrepreneurial mindset allows us to work in a precise and well-organised way, with a practical approach aimed at providing the best legal solution in terms of cost efficiency.

Our streamlined, client-focused structure provides help and support to a wide range of businesses, namely companies, SMEs, production companies, start-up companies, healthcare structures, commercial activities, communication and creative agencies.
Each client is personally followed through each and every stage: from the first contact up to the completion of the last administrative formalities.


What can we do for you?

Do you need to appoint a DPO for your business?

Then Avv. Macerata is the right professional for you.

Do you want to register a trademark or a patent?

Then Avv. Cipolletti is the right professional for you.

Does your company need to renew its contractual platform or protect an invention?

Please contact us at neuco@neuco.it